This is a special site for a special boy.
Please feel free to pray for him, ask about him, and connect with him through this blog!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pictures From Church (Jan 18)

IMG_2848This is Ryan's Bloggy Friend with a few IMG_2842pictures from church tonight. It was wonderful to have Brother and his whole family there at IMG_2845church with us today. At the end of the Sunday night service, Ryan's whole family brought him to the altar and his church family gathered around to have special prayer for the family and Ryan as they go through this time.


IMG_2847Ryan, I just gotta tell ya, you have got a such a sweet spirit. It's awesome.

I'm so glad you were there today, I know your family enjoyed being there with you and it certainly made my day to see you sitting back there in your chair with that big smile on your face.

I love you, big guy, and your church family loves you so much. Hang in there buddy, your mom is very right. You ARE a winner either way!


the nightingale said...

That's a good picture of Ryan and his daddy. We're still praying for you and your family. You're in Good Hands with God. Thanks for posting the pics for us all.

Teresa said...

Thanks for coming to hang out with us here at the crazy house! You are definitely a sun-shiny spot in our lives! We love you very much! We know God has you in His mighty hands.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I missed this post, but do you realize it has almost been 2 months since this was posted?

Ain't God good?

Kiss brother for me.