This is a special site for a special boy.
Please feel free to pray for him, ask about him, and connect with him through this blog!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ryan is a Tough Lil' Guy

Ryan is doing very well today. Last week, all of the kids... Sallie Ann, Devin, and Luke, all had H1 Ni flu virus. Of course Jake and I were terribly concerned about them all. More than anything we feared that maybe Ryan would become infected. I asked the saints to please pray a hedge about him. Evidently, God was moved and provided Ryan with the protection he needed to avoid the germ. Thank the Lord!!

I also want to let all of you know how grateful I am for the prayers that were lifted for little Ryan last month when he was so very ill. You know, Christ is such an amazing friend. No matter how hard the winds blow, or how high the waves rise, He never leaves me alone.

How hopeless it feels when something that you love is suffering beyond anything you can physically do. But when hopelessness sets in, God's grace is sufficient. I know that He not only helped me, but He helped Ryan too. He certainly should have never pulled through such a bad pneumonia...

He and God have got their own relationship: God uses Ryan to bring Him glory because Ryan has been counted worthy to suffer for the cause of Christ. What a blessing. When I have trouble understanding why God allows certain things to go on, I reflect on something my dear pastor said recently, "God's intentions are ALWAYS good towards his children."

What a powerful statement, and true. Christ knew I needed that little nugget of truth to pull out when things are rocky.