This is a special site for a special boy.
Please feel free to pray for him, ask about him, and connect with him through this blog!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Time to Give Thanks

Although it has been quite a while since I posted for Ryan, I feel like I owe it to him to begin keeping up with his blog. There are many people concerned about his well-being and who need an avenue to check on him. For my delinquency of that, I apologize.

Life sometimes brings us rushing reminders of what is truly important in our lives, and of course Ryan is of upmost. He is now 15; fiery red hair, beautiful green eyes, and a personality that lights up my life. Although he still continues to struggle physically, he does so with a strength and calm that can only come from God.

Ryan continues to have chronic hiccups and seizures. He still does not speak with our language, nor can he stand to his feet and walk like us. Instead, Ryan communicates through his spirit that you must become acquainted with to understand. Rather than walking on two legs, Ryan has been carried by the Grace of my dear Savior to heights that you and I will likely never experience.

I continue to be humbled by heing Ryan's mother. I, daily, am awe-struck at his resilience and strength. I am ever learning from his testimony. Please continue to pray for God's manifestation in Ryan's life and that I may not ever get in the way of the Lord's will for Ryan.

1 comment:

Always Faith said...

Wow, a post! =) Love you guys...keep on keeping on!